How to depend on God

How to depend on God

What does it mean to depend on God? I think we all want to depend on God more, right? But let’s be honest … sometimes it can be hard to even know what that means. When you go to ancient sites in the Holy Land, you often find cisterns dug into the ground...
Trusting God in tough times

Trusting God in tough times

If life has worn you down, this post is for you. In the harshest and hottest desert in the Holy Land—the Judean wilderness—is an oasis called Ein Gedi, which is the natural spring that King David of the Bible fled to when he was running for his life. Ein-Gedi, the...
Understanding The Sabbath Day

Understanding The Sabbath Day

Should Christians keep the Sabbath? Well, understanding the Sabbath can have a big impact on your faith. While most of us don’t remember the Sabbath and keep it holy, knowing what the Sabbath is in the Bible is important. Here’s a short video to explain....


  If you’re weighed down by worry today … I want to give you hope! You see, whether you know it or not, when the sun comes up to start a new day, you make a choice—to live with hope or be weighed down with worry. I know what it’s like to choose the later, without...
The top 5 Christian Books To Grow Your Faith

The top 5 Christian Books To Grow Your Faith

Are you looking for some great christian books that will grow your faith? I know you are … coz I get asked this all the time on social media. Well … today I wanna share the FIVE best Christian books. These are books that have grown my faith over the years. If you...