When the first ever That Church Conference kicked off in 2015, I was asked to be one of the speakers. I discussed social media strategies that we use at North Point Church.
Leadership blogger, Brian Dodd posted live notes of my talk on his blog Brian Dodd On Leadership.
Here are the notes Brian took.
The following are 33 Leadership Quotes from Dave Adamson from the That Church Conference:
- I trust my wife listens to God.
- Sometimes God speaks to me in His voice and that’s easy to listen to. Sometimes he speaks to me in my wife’s voice and that is sometimes hard to listen to.
- In the Christian world, it was like ESPN offered me a job. North Point offered me a job.
- God told me to quit taking photos of your food. I made you a photographer and pastor.
- If you’re a parent and not on Instagram, get on Instagram. It is the best parenting move you can make.
- At 14, my daughter already knows more about social media than I do.
- She does not know the difference between an online relationship and a digital one.
- She native to social media. I am a missionary.
- You cannot get your self-worth from social media.
- It’s not just kids who are on social media.
- The average adults spends 2.4 hours per day on social media.
- Almost 90% of people access social media from their cell phone. They connect with us for one hour on Sunday. We can connect with them 167 hours per week.
- I don’t tweet for Andy. Andy tweets all the time.
- 28,000 people are watching porn on the internet every second.
- There is a lot of crap online.
- Jesus calls us to go into those spaces. We are to be salt in the world.
- As Christians we are supposed to mix with the manure of the world to cause God’s Word to burn hotter and brighter.
- I believe God can do far more than we infinitely imagine. And I believe God can do in the physical and digital world.
- At North Point, we use social media to connect people with our church so we can lead them into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
- We use social media as a telephone, not a megaphone. A telephone invites people into a two-way conversation.
- We use only three types of posts – Engage, Educate, Experience.
- Circles are better than rows.
- You need community and somebody in community needs you.
- Following Jesus makes your life better, and makes you better at life. – Andy Stanley
- If you speak to a man’s head his heart will sometimes follow. If you speak to a man’s heart his head will always follow.
- I use social media to reduce friction for people. I want to make it easier for them to come to church
- The best ideas are sometimes the ones not planned out.
- Social media gives us a chance to recast vision.
- Social media lets you stay high touch with our community. We use social media to be high touch, not high tech.
- Just ask people what their needs are. Just ask.
- Social media is not an activity – it’s an investment.
- Numbers only matter because people count.
- We are using social media to collect stories, archive them, and use them in messages.
Awesome! I totally agree that Social Media is not inherently evil or bad…It can be used in negative ways for sure. But it can also be a form of powerful ministry. Love what you’re doing!
Thanks for your encouragement Amanda!